
Kreative Plus Ltd


Imagine the product is getting success with unique and brilliant designed package, we can help you to exploit practical product package with conceptual design.

‘Packaging is seems to be simple’ :
Some customers may concern about packaging is not the important part compare with the function of product. In fact, packaging can affect customer purchase or evaluation of the product directly. Generally, packaging involved different process from design to launch.

Packaging design :
With the first step of packaging, design is one of the elements to start the process. Kreativeplus is now providing ideas and decide with your company towards convenience (functional), graphics, wording, color, etc. More than a common part of packaging for the product like the box, we can design for the product package as the shape, the size, etc.

Graphic, wording and color :
Since product launch for attracting customer, the graphics, wording and color is used to capture customer’s attention towards other competitor. Normally, unique design through graphic, wording and color can memorize by customer easier thus leading to become well-known.

Convenience :
Even product designed with genius graphic, customer would confuse to purchase your product if it cannot use as convenience. For recent time, many products have changed their package with much expedience since customers are valued on this element.

Kreativeplus involve with you :
We are not only design the product packaging for you. To provide the whole packaging process with our creative, explore material and supplier is also consist in this procedure. After confirming design packaging, choosing the most suitable and inventive material for the unique design is one of the major parts to perform your product. We can help to investigate materials and design with your product.